ECF Fund Success Stories
501(c)(3) Umbrella for Top Incubator
We were engaged by one of the top Silicon Valley Incubators to assist certain of its start up companies to act as the 501(c)(3) umbrella for newly created charitable and social enterprises. We were to help provide mentorship as well an umbrella entity to receive and disburse funds for some of the most innovative charitable and social enterprise starts ups. Specifically, for one of these starts up, we received and oversaw the disbursement of a multi-million dollar grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Receipt and Investment in Complex Non-Cash Asset for one of our client’s donor advised funds
We were contracted by a high net worth individual that was unable to use his current donor advised fund (DAF) to make an investment of charitable funds in a very prudent real estate investment. The traditional donor advised fund platform refused this non-public markets investment. Through sound legal counsel of outside legal counsel (not Seton & Associates), the donor was able to transfer funds from his traditional DAF to the ECF DAF and was able to invest as a DAF in a very lucrative real estate deal in connection with a charity helping young kids. This partnership is incredible impactful, meanwhile the investment has increased in value by over 25%.
Prize Philanthropy
ECF was able to help an incubator develop prizes for the most impactful start up concepts and design for young (under 18 years old) female entrepreneurs. This fund has given away close to a million in prizes to some of the most impactful and innovative social enterprises. One such 14 year old recipient innovated an AI App to help Alzheimer’s victims remember.
Avoidance of Tipping DAF
A very affluent donor who established a 501(c)(3) charity but was unable to secure enough public funding has been able to lawfully establish a donor advised fund underneath ECF to provide funding to its charity. In doing so, ECF was able to gift funds to assist this incredibly worthwhile charity while the charitable beneficiary’s 501(c)(3) public charity status. Had the DAF not been used, this would have jeopardized the public charity status of the entity.
Celebrity Digital Campaign 501(c)(3) Fund
While we have executed this with many celebrities, we helped an A list celebrity who desired to raise charitable monies while auctioning off an incredible experience with one of the top crowdfunding websites on the internet. We helped this celebrity receive hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in micro-donations to allow the celebrity to raise these funds in only thirty (30) days and to disburse those funds to help those afflicted by a deadly disease.
Natural Disaster Funds
Due to the hurricanes in Texas, we allowed a project which did not have its 501(c)(3) to raise several hundred thousand dollars in relief funds to help victims and their families of Hurricane Harvey.
Celebrity Scholarship Fund
A highly regarded celebrity athlete in the NBA desired to establish a scholarship fund in his name to help underprivileged youth. Instead of starting his own 501(c)(3) public charity, he established a charitable fund underneath our umbrella. We disburse funds and insure that the scholarships go to worthwhile youth.
Receipt and Management of Million Dollar Gift
A very large well-known foundation wanted to grant a million dollar gift to four well known celebrity NBA players. It wanted the fiscal sponsor to oversee the funds and the sub –grantees and to be responsible for financial reporting. ECF received said funds, disbursed said funds on behalf of the celebrities and successfully reported to the grant-making foundation all such financial activities successfully.
International Grant Making
We have worked with a well-known private foundation to execute on grants made to international charities. The foundation was precluded by its mandate (as many are) in making foreign grants. Edward Charles is not precluded in making such grants. Our assistance came in the form of due diligence, receiving US based funds, disbursement of funds internationally, and confirmation to initiating partner. In doing so, ECF creates a compliant portal for those who want to engage in international philanthropy even though there private foundation does not or cannot engage in such grant-making activities.
Non US-Based NGOs
Edward Charles Foundation acted as the charitable recipient of funds raised in the United States from donors in the US for tax deductible donations on behalf of foreign based charity founded by an A List Celebrity. Funds were received by Edward Charles Foundation and disbursed in compliance with applicable law.